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CSCI E-3 Intro to JavaScript
CSCI E- 12 Fundamentals of Website Development
CSCI E- 15 Dynamic Web Applications
CSCI E- 15C Developing for Drupal 8
CSCI E-50 Intensive Introduction to Computer Science (also available as part 1 - 50A and part 2 - 50B which cuts down on the intensity)
-Often described as a parallel track to CSCI 50 is CSCI 10A and 10B, which focuses on Java.
-then there are parallel summer school courses. CSCI S-1 is the summer school equivalent to 10A, and CSCI S-111 is the summer school equivalent to 10A, part of 10B, and CSCI E-22 (data structures with Java).
It would probably be a good idea to take at least either 50 or 10A/10B to gain a good grounding in programming, but not both. In fact, I don't believe you're permitted to take both for credit: "Students may count only one of CSCI S-1, CSCI E-10a, or CSCI E-50a for degree credit.". - copied from
You may well have already taken CSCI 50 or 10A, but if you haven't, here's my understanding of the difference. I took 10A, 10B, and 22. I feel like the focus on only Java gave me perhaps a slight edge on programming in 1 language in depth than if I took 50. I also loved Dr. Leitner, who teaches 10A and 10B. The end of 10B and most of CSCI 22 were very tough, however.
By contrast, CSCI 50 touches on a broader number of languages, such as C, MySQL, CSS, HTML, PHP, and no Java. Those languages are more relevant for web programming; however, like I said I think focusing in depth on Java will prepare one a little better for web programming in the sense of how using an API, classes, interfaces, inheritance and objects work. If you tack on CSCI 22 which uses Java, then you'll have data structures knowledge which can be important, and also more in-depth OOP knowledge and practice.
Since I didn't take CSCI 50, I'll have to defer to others in most regards, but I do know it's a very good class and also taught by a great instructor who is a lot of fun. It might be worth pointing out there's a lot of Java courses that build pretty well on top of each other at HES, while it seems to me that after CSCI 50, the way forward is a little more jagged.
For instance, it's quite a leap from CSCI 50 to CSCI 51 and/or CSCI 61, and those courses move away from web programming and really delve into C, but that's just what I've gathered.
It would probably be more practical for web programming to take CSCI E-19 on testing or one of CSCI E-90/90/91 on AWS, or CSCI after you're done with CSCI 10 or 50, or CSCI e-64 and 65.
You'll have to pay attention to actual degree requirements, as well.
There are some great web development courses in DGMD such as:
DGMD 20, 25, 27, and 12. 23 looks good, but I know less about it. I'd go into more detail, but I think I've made this post long enough. Hope that helps!
re: DGMD...let's not forget the new DGMD E12 class happening this spring . It's an introductory programming class (in JavaScript) geared toward those more interested in exploring visual design and web media than software engineering.
You might want to take CSCI 12 before CSCI 50. That way you'll get a bit of an easier introduction to a chunk of CSCI 50. After you take CSCI 12 or CSCI 50, my highest recommendation is to then take CSCI 15 - "dynamic web applications", which teaches the PHP framework called Laravel, which has become my favorite way to build web applications.
Good luck!
So assuming no experience i would take e12 then e3 then cs50
You'll be fine taking CSCI 3 first, but 10A would give you a slower paced intro to OOP. I can't really say if 50A or 50 would be better before CSCI 3. I'll have to defer to @nancymic and @edd on that one
I see CSCI-E3 as a great 'real world' JavaScript introduction, more practical than theoretical. It's a useful primer for everyday frontend dev skills. If you have no prior experience with web markup (HTML/CSS) then you should take E12 BEFORE E3 - not simultaneously. Otherwise, you might get overwhelmed by basic HTML and CSS layout stuff while simultaneously attempting to learn JavaScript. If you're already somewhat comfortable with HTML/CSS, then E12 will largely be a refresher, and you should be ok to take them concurrently.