Come discuss with other HES students in a new forum who are at Harvard Extension School. Talk about life in and around Cambridge, Boston, classes, school, Harvard University, course reviews, and more. Interested in the best ways to travel to Harvard for your residency requirement? Check out the 'On and Around Campus' category for tips and advice. Want to join a book club with other Harvard Extension School students that read through the Harvard Classics? It's a Harvard education in and of itself. ExtensionStudentForum Forum categories include 'Job Postings & Job Seekers', 'Extension Confidential', 'Professional Graduate Certificates', 'HBX', 'ALB' and 'ALM' discussions. Extension Student Forum is brought to you by The Degree Tracker. This forum is exclusively for Harvard University students. The sponsor for this forum is an exciting new web app, The Degree Tracker.Register with your email address
We'd be glad to hear your feedback. It's no piece of cake to graduate with your Bachelor of Liberal Arts or Master of Liberal Arts in a timely fashion, but your Bachelor's or Master's degree plan will only benefit from making use of the Degree Tracker and this exclusive forum for Harvard's marvelous students.
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See if there are any "x"'s left to check off. You can fulfill any missing tests or courses by creating a new course. If you can't get all of the boxes to turn to checkmarks, or if they are all checkmarks and it still isn't telling you that you are eligible to apply, let me know.
If so, are you saying you can't select sciences, humanities, or social sciences, but only "outside concentration"? Are you sure you can't count that course as any of those 4 options?
I didn't know the Expo doesn't count towards any of those options. I'll work on adding that "none" button.
Thanks for the input!
The "8 outside concentration credits" I think can be any concentration - I believe we determined they actually mean "8 additional credits on top of what's required." One of the many confusing things about fulfilling HES requirements that led to the creation of TheDegreeTracker to begin with!