Harvard Extension School Student Forum

Come discuss with other HES students in a new forum who are at Harvard Extension School. Talk about life in and around Cambridge, Boston, classes, school, Harvard University, course reviews, and more. Interested in the best ways to travel to Harvard for your residency requirement? Check out the 'On and Around Campus' category for tips and advice. Want to join a book club with other Harvard Extension School students that read through the Harvard Classics? It's a Harvard education in and of itself. ExtensionStudentForum Forum categories include 'Job Postings & Job Seekers', 'Extension Confidential', 'Professional Graduate Certificates', 'HBX', 'ALB' and 'ALM' discussions. Extension Student Forum is brought to you by The Degree Tracker.

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This forum is exclusively for Harvard University students. The sponsor for this forum is an exciting new web app, The Degree Tracker. Track and plan your Harvard Extension School ALM and ALB degrees or professional graduate certificate. Course ratings, instructor reviews, accomplishment badges, planning, tracking, and other tools to help guide students through their HES journey. TheDegreeTracker is proud to bring you this tool to use to track your degree at Harvard Extension School. If you are a student who has more courses than you can keep track of, and you would like to plan out your degree pathway carefully, then track and plan courses with the Degree Tracker to take control of your education. Including course reviews and course ratings, TheDegreeTracker has the potential to not only guide you through your degree, but to let you help other students who might be wondering about the HES courses that you've taken. The Degree Tracker is glad to provide the Harvard Extension School Student Forum (ESF) to help foster a nurturing environment. This forum for was born in 2015 to create better Harvard Extension School friendships, networking, and information to contribute to a better overall HES experience. Extension students formerly congregated at forums such as philfac and extensionstudent. This website has no affiliation with either the philfac or extensionstudent websites. It has been created and run by 100% completely different leadership. For the extension student who wants a bigger taste of what life with other Harvard Extension students is like, combining the Degree Tracker and the extension student forum can foster that sense of community that others have on campus. Another advantage of participating in an online community over the Harvard campus is that extension students can develop permanent relationships with other extension students that being on a physical campus might not necessarily allow, since online students are great at staying in touch online.

What would you like to see in a forum?

We'd be glad to hear your feedback. It's no piece of cake to graduate with your Bachelor of Liberal Arts or Master of Liberal Arts in a timely fashion, but your Bachelor's or Master's degree plan will only benefit from making use of the Degree Tracker and this exclusive forum for Harvard's marvelous students.

Say hi to our new sponsor, TheDegreeTracker™

GratGrat Posts: 293
edited September 2015 in TheDegreeTracker™
It's great to have a forum again, and it's thanks to TheDegreeTracker.  Glad to have a sponsor to get this forum off to a fresh start!  :)


  • GratGrat Posts: 293
    edited September 2015
    Make sure to check out TheDegreeTracker when you get a chance.  
  • KleosKleos Posts: 57
    Thanks to the site sponsor for bringing this forum back! When is TheDegreeTracker tool going to be live?
  • GratGrat Posts: 293
    @Kleos, I hope it's soon because it's hard to keep track of all of my planned courses for the next 3 years!
  • I need to finally sign up. Fortunately I have nothing left to track !! Yay!
  • KleosKleos Posts: 57
    Hi Nancymic - Grat was telling me you were close to finishing out your ALM. Congrats! That is exciting!
  • Hi all. Hi Kleos. Thanks! We shall see. I still need to get through the capstone. The semester will go quickly and I'm suddenly not ready:( fingers crossed
  • GratGrat Posts: 293
    PayPal is coming soon to TheDegreeTracker.  

    Stripe was selected as well because it has great built-in support with Laravel through Cashier.  The main developer behind Laravel (Taylor Otwell) also created Cashier.  However, I noticed that Cashier did not have all of the functionality I needed either, so I had to figure out how to use the Stripe API anyways.

    The upside is now PayPal's API will hopefully look more familiar.  I have heard from several sources that it's a bear, but so far the documentation looks good.
  • Is there a link to TheDegreeTracker somewhere? I see a lot of comments about it, but assume there is an actual tool that we ES students should use.

  • GratGrat Posts: 293
    Hi degiorgio,

    If you scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page, there is a link to it, or you can just click here:  https://www.thedegreetracker.com
  • GratGrat Posts: 293
    edited October 2015
    I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has signed up for TheDegreeTracker.  Know that you are helping to support this forum, as well as getting access to a great tool.  

    You will wonder why you used to think it was hard to figure out how to best fulfill all of your HES degree/certificate requirements after The Degree Tracker simplifies life for you.

  • You don't support AA requirements!
  • GratGrat Posts: 293
    Does HES still offer it?
  • GratGrat Posts: 293
    I just updated TheDegreeTracker with some upgrades that consist of over 1,000 changed lines of code. I tested it quite thoroughly, and am aware of a few bugs that shouldn't affect the average user, but don't hesitate to let me know if you find any bugs or would like to see some enhanced features. Thanks to all our subscribers, and Happy Thanksgiving!
  • DmilesDmiles Posts: 41
    Trying out the Degree Tracker. It won't let me set the catalog year because the box below says I have to set my ALM Degree, but I'm not an ALM, I'm an ALB.
  • DmilesDmiles Posts: 41
    When I track my EXPO classes is forces me to say it is outside of my concentration, but they shouldn't be tracked as an outside concentration as they do not fulfill the 8 credits required outside your concentration. Could you add a "none" button to select for EXPO classes?
  • GratGrat Posts: 293
    The catalog year is only relevant to the ALM and certificates because there weren't any changes in the catalog for the ALB degree between last year and this year. If any changes to the ALB crop up in future years, we'll make sure the ALB has the same option to update your catalog year.
  • GratGrat Posts: 293
    I'll look into what's going on with it forcing you to choose outside your concentration for an "expah" tomorrow. What is your concentration set to in user settings?
  • DmilesDmiles Posts: 41
    I hate to be a pest, but...when I go to track transfer credits, many of mine transferred from quarter to semester hours, so I have several that are 3.75, 2.25 or 1.5 credits...etc.
  • GratGrat Posts: 293
    Lol - no problem. Keep the suggestions coming :)
  • DmilesDmiles Posts: 41
    Haha! Cool! Well then...it also still has on my header that I'm not eligible to apply, even though I clicked on degree candidate in my account profile.
  • DmilesDmiles Posts: 41
    My concentration is Science.
  • GratGrat Posts: 293
    edited December 2015
    To see what pre-admission requirements TheDegreeTracker doesn't think you have fulfilled, go back to "user settings" and select "pre-admission" instead of "degree candidate." Then, go back to the "Tracking" page and you should see this appear:


    See if there are any "x"'s left to check off. You can fulfill any missing tests or courses by creating a new course. If you can't get all of the boxes to turn to checkmarks, or if they are all checkmarks and it still isn't telling you that you are eligible to apply, let me know.
  • GratGrat Posts: 293
    edited December 2015
    When you say the expo "forces me to say it is outside of my concentration, but they shouldn't be tracked as an outside concentration as they do not fulfill the 8 credits required outside your concentration, are you talking about this part of the "create a course" page?


    If so, are you saying you can't select sciences, humanities, or social sciences, but only "outside concentration"? Are you sure you can't count that course as any of those 4 options?
    concen.PNG 114.6K
  • DmilesDmiles Posts: 41
    The EXPO classes are just EXPO classes. i.e. E-15 and E-25 and don't count toward any concentration class or the toward the 8 "outside concentration" credits required.
  • DmilesDmiles Posts: 41
    edited December 2015
    I have an x by TOEFL...I figured it out-lol
  • GratGrat Posts: 293
    Create a course - the Toefl is the 1st or 2nd option. That will get turn the "x" into a check.

    I didn't know the Expo doesn't count towards any of those options. I'll work on adding that "none" button.

    Thanks for the input!
  • DmilesDmiles Posts: 41
    Cool, thanks! Also, do the Foreign Language credits count toward the 8 outside concentration credits?
  • DmilesDmiles Posts: 41
    For the credits box, could this be split into two boxes, one for whole numbers and the other for .25, .50, .75? That way the transfer credits could be logged.
  • GratGrat Posts: 293
    Good idea. We'll definitely get something done about partial credits now that we know that's a possibility. I should be able to get these things done next week.

    The "8 outside concentration credits" I think can be any concentration - I believe we determined they actually mean "8 additional credits on top of what's required." One of the many confusing things about fulfilling HES requirements that led to the creation of TheDegreeTracker to begin with!
  • DmilesDmiles Posts: 41
    I think the 8 cr. have to be from the other two categories, i.e. if my concentration is Science, then those 8 have to come from humanities or social sciences. They can be 8 from one (2 humanities or 2 social sciences) or 4 from each (1 humanity and 1 social science). Clear as mud, eh?
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