Harvard Extension School Student Forum

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This forum is exclusively for Harvard University students. The sponsor for this forum is an exciting new web app, The Degree Tracker. Track and plan your Harvard Extension School ALM and ALB degrees or professional graduate certificate. Course ratings, instructor reviews, accomplishment badges, planning, tracking, and other tools to help guide students through their HES journey. TheDegreeTracker is proud to bring you this tool to use to track your degree at Harvard Extension School. If you are a student who has more courses than you can keep track of, and you would like to plan out your degree pathway carefully, then track and plan courses with the Degree Tracker to take control of your education. Including course reviews and course ratings, TheDegreeTracker has the potential to not only guide you through your degree, but to let you help other students who might be wondering about the HES courses that you've taken. The Degree Tracker is glad to provide the Harvard Extension School Student Forum (ESF) to help foster a nurturing environment. This forum for was born in 2015 to create better Harvard Extension School friendships, networking, and information to contribute to a better overall HES experience. Extension students formerly congregated at forums such as philfac and extensionstudent. This website has no affiliation with either the philfac or extensionstudent websites. It has been created and run by 100% completely different leadership. For the extension student who wants a bigger taste of what life with other Harvard Extension students is like, combining the Degree Tracker and the extension student forum can foster that sense of community that others have on campus. Another advantage of participating in an online community over the Harvard campus is that extension students can develop permanent relationships with other extension students that being on a physical campus might not necessarily allow, since online students are great at staying in touch online.

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We'd be glad to hear your feedback. It's no piece of cake to graduate with your Bachelor of Liberal Arts or Master of Liberal Arts in a timely fashion, but your Bachelor's or Master's degree plan will only benefit from making use of the Degree Tracker and this exclusive forum for Harvard's marvelous students.

The Crimson Reports on the Degree Name Change Rally


The Crimson posted an article about the recent Harvard Extension Degree Change Initiative rally. Thoughts?


  • The first comment posted about the article on the Crimson's site was a negative comment about the Extension School being about as rigorous as a community college, which was sad to see.

    If the Extension School had a reputation of having the most rigorous courses, I cannot help but think that HES students would not be nearly as motivated to change the name, i.e., the Extension School should be a badge of honor and be as challenging if not more so, than the rest of Harvard, but it doesn't seem like that is the case.

    Considering the law school is whining about tuition and changing the names of buildings, crests, etc., other students groups are occupying this and that to divest from oil, etc., it doesn't seem that HES students should be jumping on the bandwagon to demand changes to the Extension school name, which will have no effect on anything.

    Leave the name alone and work on making the Extension school the best of the Harvard schools
  • nancymicnancymic Posts: 185
    Being in a cranky mood i had to respond

    If Harvard is running a degree-granting school that is EVEN less rigorous than community college and stamping their name on it, they are practically committing fraud. I wonder if they have considered that? Gee someone should report this to the administration before something embarrassing happens! To be fair, perhaps they don't even realize this school exists.
  • AspectAspect Posts: 4
    As an alum, I totally support the change in the degree nomenclature.
  • lnjacksonlnjackson Posts: 17
    Here is an article from the Crimson supporting the degree name change

  • AspectAspect Posts: 4
    Good! Thank you for sharing!
  • GratGrat Posts: 293
    edited May 2016
    The second article does a really nice job of staying on topic. The question is: "Should the degree concentration be on the degree?" I feel like to ask the question is to answer it.
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